How to Build Unbreakable Client Bonds

May 29, 2018
min read
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Just like you can’t arrive at success without failure, you can’t grow a company without clients.

While your team is an integral part of your success, it is your client relationships that really drive revenue. Therefore, it's important that you find a way to retain existing clients for long-term growth.

But how do you do this?

Besides using a client work management platform like Accelo's, you can follow this 8-step plan to building unbreakable professional bonds:

1. Remember what you were taught in kindergarten.

Treat others like you want to be treated. Clients are less likely to leave you in the dark if you’re honest, generous and kind.

2. Listen to client needs. 

You are there to help them, not just impose your service on them.

3. Never promise unrealistic expectations.

This will only set you up for disaster and give your loyal clients a reason to walk away.

4. Speak the truth.

Telling a small white lie that unravels into a disaster is going to damage your reputation (and business), badly. On average, unhappy customers share their experience with 20 or more people, while satisfied customers share their experience with three or four people. You want your clients to be among the latter.

5. Communicate exceptionally and respond in a timely manner.

If it’s a pressing issue, don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call your client rather than trying to solve a problem via endless emails.

6. Be reliable.

Work in an efficient but flexible manner so that you can adapt to change on the fly and meet critical deadlines, every time.

7. Go above and beyond.

Make your client feel like they are more than just a contributor to your bottom line. Monthly coffee catch-ups or a handwritten card at Christmas should do the trick.

8. Ask for feedback.

The only way to continually improve your service is to ask for feedback - so that the next time a client comes back on board you can ‘wow’ them even more!

The most efficient way to follow this 8-step plan is with a client work management platform - the cloud solution that puts your clients at the heart of everything you do. Click here to start your free trial today.

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