How To Build a Business Case for Accelo

Chelsea Williams
Subject Matter Expert
September 28, 2023
min read
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So, you’ve gotten a glimpse of the power of Accelo via a trial or demo and discovered the platform is a great fit for your team and business goals. Now, it’s time to make a persuasive pitch to the decision-makers in your organization. 

If the thought of presenting a business case is daunting, use the following steps and resources to feel fully prepared.

Step 1: Engage in Thorough Research

To be well-informed is to be influential. Before making any recommendations, it’s imperative to dive deep into the features, benefits and potential challenges of moving forward with Accelo. 

This doesn’t just mean looking for primary sources. Search for reviews on third-party sites like G2 and Software Advice to round out your impression of how the platform would work in your business context.

Get inspired! Read our article, How To Advocate for New Software in the Workplace.

Step 2: Consider How Accelo Will Impact Each Department

Different roles have different needs. No matter the size of your team, new technology will impact each person involved in client work, from the prospect stage to collecting payment.

Understand the function-specific advantages before developing your business case so each stakeholder can more easily see the value in adopting Accelo. Select from the resources below, depending on which teams or employees your business has.

Step 3: Ask Questions and Gather Evidence

Don’t shy away from having in-depth conversations with our Sales team about your particular use cases. You’ll have a few opportunities, one of which will be a demo call. It’s helpful to prepare questions for before, during and after your demo.

Put together a list of underutilized tech platforms that Accelo will replace, such as your proposal software, project management software and client portal. Cost savings are likely to be a significant factor in the ultimate decision to move forward.

At any time in your process, read the case studies that pertain to your industry to put together examples of what the platform has helped other businesses achieve.

If you haven’t already, book a demo to see Accelo in action, get your specific questions answered and gather customized pricing information for your team size.

Step 4: Confirm Training and Implementation Details

Efficient and thorough adoption is as crucial as the software you choose. Get clarity on the type of support you’ll receive when preparing for implementation, as you go live and once your deployment is up and running. A smooth transition plan can alleviate your team’s concerns about business disruption or steep learning curves.

Explore Accelo’s Full Implementation plan and what our team delivers in terms of consultation, data migration, team training and more.

Step 5: Compare Accelo to Alternatives

Just as you probably wouldn’t commit to a big personal purchase without looking at a few options, the people who decide on new business software need to feel confident that they’re investing in the best of the best. 

The most significant way Accelo stands out from the crowd is its true integration of every stage of the client journey. Unlike limited CRMs, PSAs and other work management platforms, it centralizes all the functionality your team needs from the moment you identify a new sales opportunity to the moment that client pays an invoice — and even beyond, to when they’re renewing a retainer contract.

We’ve put together plenty of resources to help your colleagues understand why you’ve selected Accelo and save them the time of having to compare on their own.  

Be prepared with details about how Accelo measures up against comparable platforms.

Step 6: Understand the Goal of a Business Case

The purpose of a business case isn’t merely to “sell” a solution but to provide a clear, objective view of how it addresses specific business challenges and adds value. Stay focused on tangible benefits, potential risks and the overall impact on strategic goals.

Keep in mind that your industry, business size, team structure and other factors will play a part in how you should present this information.

Start by exploring our general guide for developing a business case.

Step 7: Structure and Populate Your Business Case

Once you’ve finished your research and consulted our Sales team for answers and guidance, you’re ready to organize your findings. Be sure to check with your leadership to understand how formal of a business case they require. You may need to delve into detailed analyses or you may just need a bulleted list of the argument for Accelo.

Simplify this process with our pre-made slide deck. You may need to use this template as inspiration and flesh out other details that pertain to your business. Use all of the resources above, or reach out to your Sales rep to ask more in-depth questions to support your justification.

Now, all that’s left is to offer your compelling and irrefutable case for consolidating your tech stack with Accelo!

Author Bio
Chelsea Williams
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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