How This Product Champion Utilizes Accelo To Drive Success

October 31, 2019
min read
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We're continuing our Faces & Places of Accelo this week with Molly Flynn, a Product Manager located in our Denver office. She joined the Accelo team at the end of 2018 as a Product Operations Associate and since then has made a major impact on the organization. With her technical knowledge, inspiring dedication, and empowering leadership, she was promoted to her managerial role. 

As our Product Champion, she's in the Accelo platform every single day and uses it to manage her own tasks and schedule. She finds the Retainers module and the daily timesheet particularly useful and leverages the latter to keep track of her meetings and tasks on any given day. 

Though her role is fast-paced and requires her to multi-task several projects at a time, Molly finds her work to be exciting and loves how she gets to work with multiple departments, including customer success, development, sales, and support to help drive initiatives. 

Apart from enjoying the opportunity to work closely with the product, she loves Accelo's commitment to making a positive impact on small businesses across the world. It's never a boring day for Molly, she also loves having the flexibility to take ownership of initiatives outside of her role. 

We're currently looking for smart and passionate individuals to be a part of our growing team. Check out our open roles today! 

Check out the video to learn more about Molly and how she uses Accelo daily: 

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