Getting the Most from Accelo's My Activity Dashboard

Kirsten McNeice
Subject Matter Expert
February 3, 2021
min read
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Today’s business moves fast. You need to make immediate decisions based on real-time data that reflects the status of your business.

What is a user dashboard?

Accelo’s user dashboards (called My Activity dashboards) are designed to give you a quick, accurate status of your business, division, project, or department. By logging into the Accelo platform, you will have access to visual information, like deadlines, milestones, and KPIs that help you to optimize your time.

Depending on your role, your My Activity dashboard keeps you up to date with information that is most critical for your daily decision making. It also provides an overview of your progress toward your goals and objectives.

Because each user has a unique set of responsibilities, My Activity dashboards are customized to their specific needs. For instance, users must answer questions critical to their job, as shown below.

  • Leadership: What were our billable hours last week? What’s our A/R balance? How profitable are we?
  • Managers: What’s my department’s utilization? Who is scheduled on our client projects this week?
  • Sales: What’s our pipeline look like? What is the status of our outstanding proposals and quotes?
  • IT: What tickets are outstanding? Which ones are the most critical?
  • Project Managers: What is the utilization on each of my projects? Will I meet the project budget or do I need to adjust the schedule?
  • Employees: Which client project am I working on this week? How many hours did I work?

Today’s business productivity platforms, like Accelo, answer each of these person’s most critical questions through real-time, My Activity dashboards that provide data they need to make well-informed decisions.

My Activity dashboard benefits

  1. Visual presentation for on-demand information
  2. Customizable dashboards for your unique needs
  3. Accurate, current business intelligence


Visual presentation for on-demand information

My Activity dashboards provide visual presentation of performance measurements, providing a single snapshot of real-time data to see how your business, department, or project is doing. It collects data from an integrated database or multiple data sources to show you on-demand information, often in a line, bar, or pie chart.

Well-designed dashboards put their audience first, considering not only what data they need but also what device they will use. The most effective programs have dashboards that are easily viewed on desktops for busy executives, leaders, sales staff, and project managers.

Based on the visual information you see on your dashboard, your decisions are not only more accurate because they are data-driven, but you can act more quickly because all the information you need is in one place.


Customizable dashboards for your unique needs

Each user needs data specific to their role, presented clearly, that helps them with their decision making. There is an abundance of information available, but each user typically chooses the top metrics specific to their role.

Relevant KPIs and summary data are included on each dashboard, and must also provide context in addition to raw numbers. Labeling each axis or providing a legend for each chart keeps users from guessing what data they are viewing. Consistent colors, formatting, and layout help the users track and remember relevant information.

Typically, there are four basic types of dashboards.

  • Strategic - To help executives monitor long term strategies with benchmarks and trend information.
  • Operational - To monitor, measure, and manage operations with a short- or medium-term time frame.
  • Analytical - To provide large data sets of comprehensive data will drill-down capabilities.
  • Tactical - To assist middle management in monitoring departmental trends, strengths, and weaknesses.

Customized dashboards provide current data specific to the user’s role to help people across the organization make data-driven decisions. Accelo’s dashboards are easily customizable for each user, making it easy to read and act upon data specific to their role.


Accurate, current business intelligence

Dashboards are only as good as the data they report. That’s why it is important to use current or real-time business intelligence (BI) data where available. Data should come from a “single source of truth” that all departments trust in and rely upon for their decisions.

Historically, companies relied on cumbersome spreadsheets and reports, waiting on people to produce those reports. Dashboards are nearly instantly accessible, providing accurate and current data, reducing the time and manual effort it used to take to produce reports.

Accelo leverages the power of BI to provide immediate data, in a form that users need, across their organization.

“Now, Accelo serves as our single source of truth for all project planning, tracking, retainer management, billing record, time tracking, and client contacts. More importantly, it ties everything we do back to dollars, which has ultimately made us more profitable since we weren't doing that before.”

Jen Farrell, Muhlenhaupt + Company

Mastering Accelo's My Activity dashboard

The Accelo platform was designed with the user in mind, helping you see the information you need to make effective decisions quickly. Below are samples of our dashboards and how you can use them to make better decisions.

Accessing the My Activity dashboard 

Depending on your role, you will have several dashboards available to you, as shown in the diagram below. All you have to do is hover over the Dashboard icon in the top menu and click on My Activity Dashboard . Your My Activity dashboard will have all the information you need to make critical decisions.

Additional dashboards include an overview of schedules, profitability, managers, company, sales, projects, and tickets. Your My Activity Dashboard will contain the most comprehensive data for your role.

The summary dashboard

Your summary dashboard provides an overview of three key areas: 

Performance - Accelo's dashboard shows how much work you completed today, this week, and how much of your hours are billable client work.

Work completed - Track how much upcoming work you have, which projects are overdue, and specific items that require immediate attention. 

Accelo’s “active” and “overdue” tasks allow you to filter results to identify high priority items. “Recent activity” work completed gives you an accurate assessment of your efforts.

The Summary Dashboard helps you act quickly, identify issues, and target your efforts and resources for the remainder of the week or in the coming weeks and months.

The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard dashboard reflects your personal billable performance for the current week, tracking work completed with comparisons to your coworkers. Billable time drives profits, so filtering this list by actions performed (billable hours, billable emails) will help you target where you spent your efforts. 

The Leaderboard is great for managers and executives who track team performance and must stay on track to meet revenue goals.


Make better decisions with Accelo

Dashboards optimize your time by focusing only on the data that is relevant to your role and your responsibilities.  Accelo offers customized dashboards that help you make better decisions in less time, optimizing your time and effort.

Already an Accelo user? Don’t forget to tap into our resources that help you navigate just about any issue you have with the platform.

New to Accelo and ready for a free trial? We’re ready to share the power of Accelo and show you how it will save you time, money, and hassle by giving you customized tools that get back to work and focus on being profitable.

Author Bio
Kirsten McNeice
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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