Getting paid just got easier: Accelo Payments Now Sync to QuickBooks Online

January 31, 2017
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All the hard work you do for your clients doesn't matter much if you don't get paid, and so making it as easy as possible to receive payment is key. Like most people running busy professional service businesses, you've got better things to do than to chase and reconcile payments manually. While Accelo makes it easy to invoice clients and send statements or reminders to get paid, one area that involved a little too much manual work was payments. But - that’s no longer the case with our recent QuickBooks Online update, which has pretty much removed any (technical) roadblocks that could get in the way of you getting paid for the work you do. Plus, it brings our integration with QuickBooks Online in line with our Xero integration so now, when a client pays you through Accelo, it’ll sync with QuickBooks Online - it’s that simple.

Before, if a client paid you (or your bookkeeper), you’d update QuickBooks Online with that info to show that the invoice for the project or contract had been paid. That information would then sync automatically with Accelo, updating all your records and ensuring that you could really manage your entire business from one smart platform. However, if a client wanted to pay you through credit card or another payment platform of their choice like PayPal, Authorize.Net, Xero or Stripe, it would cause headaches in your system like duplicates or mismatched information since Accelo couldn’t push data to QuickBooks Online (i.e. a payment it had received from a credit card or another leading online payment platform).

Now, you can can get paid however you (or your clients) like - because payments get synchronized across to Xero and QuickBooks Online. No more headaches, no more duplicates, just money in the bank, and on your terms. Completing work your clients love should be the challenging part, not collecting payment.

With this piece of the puzzle now in place, we're looking forward to working on automatic billing of your clients with stored payment details in Accelo - for more information, check out our Q1 Product Priorities blog post.

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