Four Companies. One System. Global Success.

June 7, 2018
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What if we told you that you could increase revenue by 60% and save three hours per employee per day just by replacing your current tech-stack?

BlueBolt Solutions, a technical, interactive agency, did just that. They're known for their expertise in mobile and core web development, cybersecurity, and search. However, before they found Accelo, BlueBolt was using 5 to 6 separate tools to run operations. Curious? Start a free trial and see how it could work for you.

This might sound familiar: EBSuite as their CRM, Excel spreadsheets, Sharepoint for team collaboration, MS projects, and QuickBooks for sales.  On top of that, the team was using additional applications for time tracking, quoting/retainers, and invoicing. There were so many programs to keep track of that the company ended up hiring a new employee to manage all of these disconnected tools.

For Bluebolt, an agency that is known for their technical savviness, there were a number of reasons why this wasn’t working, but it was the disjointed programs and processes that stripped them of valuable time. What the company loved about Accelo was the intelligent, customizable nature of the platform. They were able to take all of their previously out-of-sync tools and marry them together in one system. Having all of their service operations running from one singular place made time tracking easier, but it also helped the team in other areas, such as increasing their revenue, doubling their client base, and upping their billable hours.

A platform to replace Waypoint’s legacy tools

Waypoint, an Information Technology and Service company, helps small and medium-sized businesses implement cloud software solutions. The nuts and bolts of their business involve helping clients integrate cloud service solutions that will increase efficiency. As a company that’s well-versed in cloud services, service operations, and time-saving solutions, they realized that they weren’t necessarily practicing what they preached. Yes, they were experts in integrating power tools to help businesses run better, but their own tools weren’t connected.

Since implementing Accelo, Waypoint has increased visibility into their billable and nonbillable time. This allows the team to identify their problem areas and see which clients are bringing in the most revenue, tasks that previously took hours to complete. Pre-Accelo, every hour worked corresponded to an hour of non-billable admin work, since they were manually keeping track of multiple tools. Cutting down on wasted time has proved to be immensely valuable; helping Waypoint scale their business with ease. Having transparency across multiple client touch points enabled the team to operate far more efficiently across multiple teams and time zones. Furthermore, their atypical hours (not traditional 9-to-5) are no longer a sore point because Accelo provides them the flexible software that allows them to be productive anywhere and anytime. They even introduce their clients to Accelo!

One-size fits all model sold WSOL on Accelo

WSOL, a web development company, felt good about their successes. They had great clients and were not only able to win them over, they were keeping those coveted clients. Unfortunately, though, the operations side of the business wasn’t going quite so smoothly. Yes, they delivered great projects, but how were they tracking those projects? If they weren’t managed well then there was no guarantee that revenue would see an uptick. Then Accelo entered the picture. What really sold WSOL was Accelo’s all-in-one nature. With a system smart enough to handle retainer management and invoicing - a feature that makes them 75% more efficient on its own - and a modern client dashboard, WSOL is able to produce greater results with more accurate data and insights. Plus, billable time doesn’t fall through the cracks since communication is automatically being tracked.

Tracking billable time automatically was a game changer

Contra, a multi-platform digital agency, is one of the industry leaders in video production and an international brand. However, the systems they were using couldn't keep up with their fast-paced and high volume work. Deploying multiple applications and free tools to handle their project management needs wasn’t working-- Contra needed to have a smart service operations system where everything was in one place. This included a space to manage opportunities, project management, timesheets, invoicing, support requests, and ongoing contracts. Similarly to BlueBolt, before they found Accelo, Contra was using a standalone CRM, Basecamp, for time tracking, Trello for web developers, and a project management tool for filmmakers. Like BlueBolt, they had another software, QuickBooks, for accounting, which didn’t integrate into their time tracking software. Meaning the team at Contra had to jump between a bunch of disconnected tools and rely on fairly unreliable manual reports just to get paid.  Automating this process with Accelo's integrated time tracking system allowed Contra’s team to increase their billable hours by 15% each week, save more than a dozen hours each week, and increase productivity as a whole by 25%. 

Life with Accelo

Talking to business owners and hearing anecdotes from our clients that they have increased revenue, recovered lost time, and, most importantly, are happier and better organized is part of what makes our job so great. We love that each of these businesses specializes in something unique, is made up of different kinds of people with diverse backgrounds, and that they are located in various parts of the world. But, they have one thing in common: they’ve all improved the way they work and their quality of life using Accelo. To put it simply, we’ll share one of our favorite client quotes from the Client Services Director at Waypoint:

“I just couldn't believe it. Like, holy crap! Can I actually automate all the stuff I hate?”

Beyond these efficiencies gained with Accelo's automation, there is so much more success worth sharing that we've heard from leaders within these four businesses, including:

BlueBolt Solutions

  • 60% increase in revenue (and still growing)
  • 25% productivity increase
  • 15% increase per team member in billable hours
  • 3 hours saved per person, per day, with automation
  • Doubled their team and client base
  • One week saved each month through retainer management


  • 40% increase in productivity
  • Doubled their client base
  • Automated 90% of administrative ‘busy work’ such as monthly audits, billing, key account management tasks.


  • 20% more productive
  • 75% more efficient
  • 20% increase in billable utilization


  • 15% increase in billable hours
  • 25% increase in productivity company-wide
  • 12 hours saved per team member, per week

Talking to BlueBolt Solutions, Waypoint, WSOL, and Contra it was easy to see the impact Accelo has on their work and their quality of life. What we hold near and dear to us is the way that our system improves work experiences for our clients and, in turn, their clients. An effect which ripples down the line: shedding people of wasted time and energy. The client portal gives clients visibility to see the work that is being done for them and the utilization dashboard helps employees do their jobs better and faster: providing the information they need at their fingertips.

Do poor experiences with multiple tools and disjointed programs resonate with you? If so, we’d love to help. Sign up for a free trial and join the revolution of Accelo.

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