3 Tips: Following Up With Clients

October 3, 2018
min read
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Communication is important for every client relationship, so how do you keep things clear and fresh? Not every email to your client will be an easy one. How do you handle it and make sure you get the information you need quickly?

1. Keep it conversational

How you word and format emails go a long way. No one wants to feel like a number or like they’re hearing from a robot. Keep it conversational. Your client’s Inbox is most likely already inundated with long-template emails.

2. Be prompt

Be specific and prompt. Make note of details that show your client you’re listening and that you care about their business. Ideally, follow-up emails will be no longer than 36-48 hours after meeting with them. The timing of your email after the first meet can be the difference of winning the account or not. With a smart technology platform, you can set triggers to automatically prompt you to take the next necessary step.

3. Offer unique value

If you’re trying to win business then you need to know how to differentiate yourself from the competition. Form emails aren’t going to work. Take notes during calls and meetings, so when you send the follow-up email there is real content to write about. Is there an area of your proposal that they seemed particularly interested in? IIt doesn’t need to be complicated—think something along the lines of an email with links to further information. Again, keeping track of everything that’s been said is crucial, and having a fully integrated smart CRM to automatically track and sync all your client records, with automated notifications will help you achieve growth.

If you found this short list helpful, please share it with your colleagues! Or, if you’re looking for something to help you grow your consulting business (without the growing pains), have a look at this.

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