Finally - Reporting Software For Better Business Insights

October 15, 2020
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We're excited to share that our new Reports is now live for all of our users. This new addition is designed to harness real-time data to give you the insights you need across your entire business. One in six businesses lack the ability to make data-driven decisions - a particularly alarming statistic given the economic downturn we now find ourselves in. This results in the inability to fully understand what's going on in your business, leading to poor business decisions and missed opportunities for future growth. With accurate reporting being essential to your business' long-term success and growth, we created our Reports to be impactful, insightful, and to deliver the information you need the most when you need it. You can finally see client profitability, project performance, staff utilization and much more.  

Here are a few key benefits you can expect from Accelo's new Reports: 

  • Invest in Your Future: Confidently plan for your business with real-time forecasts. With Reports, you have access to a more accurate picture of cash flow by accessing key reports for potential sales, current work distribution, and expected client payments. 
  • No Setup or Configuration Needed: Since Reporting is built into Accelo, there is no need for you to spend hours connecting, cleaning, or maintaining data sets and dashboards as you would with other reporting services. You can get immediate business insight from the work you're already doing in Accelo, as soon as you turn Reports on! 
  • Data Never Leaves Your Deployment: Reduce risk by leveraging Amazon QuickSight technology to keep all of your data within the Accelo platform. 
  • See Forecasted Sales: Hire with confidence by having access to accurate forecasted sales to anticipate future projects and resourcing needs.
  • Understand Client Profitability: Our reports can determine which clients are profitable and which aren't. To take it a step further, our reports can forecast whether a client will be profitable in the future. 
  • Make Impactful Decisions: Look deeper into key data to make better informed decisions by filtering your interactive reports and dashboards. 

Reports contains 70 unique reports on everything from your sales pipelines and project budgets to revenue forecasting and unpaid invoices so that you can get a true understanding of what's going on in your business. Here are a few reports you can expect to see:

Sales Pipeline Report: 

The Sales Pipeline report is designed for sales managers who want to understand what's in their pipeline — how much revenue you can expect to win, who is going to win it for you, and when you can expect it to close. The information you yield from this report can help you plan your budgets based on expected sales. This is a free report that is now available to every Accelo user so you can take advantage of this feature today.

The report also makes it easy to track your sales team's individual performance by providing a detailed breakdown of each opportunity in the pipeline. Use this information to highlight your top performers, and identify sales streams and team members who may need more assistance or training. 

We know how crucial this information is, which is why we're offering 10 free reports that are essential to your business. These free reports include:

  • Client Work - Billable Time
  • Sales Pipeline
  • Project WIP - Time Only
  • Open Tickets
  • Retainer Budget Usage
  • Purchases Overview
  • Expenses Overview
  • Materials Overview
  • Active Tasks - All Work
  • Time Entry Value By Employee

Project WIP Report:

This report comes in two different versions: our free report Project WIP - Time Only and our paid report, Project WIP. Project WIP - Time Only is focused on the team members who are performing the day-to-day project work and for those who need to check in on their time budgets. Alternatively, the Project WIP report (pictured below) combines project profitability, budgets, and margins to provide an all-encompassing view of project health. All of this information is necessary for high-level executives and project managers who need a deeper level of access. The Project WIP paid report is available with the Reports License. It's updated hourly, so you can be confident that the information you have is current and accurate.

The report offers simple gauges for you to track your team's overall numbers. They cover both current and forecast budget usage based on the team's dynamic estimates of the remaining time as well as their assigned rates. With this information, you can hone in on problem areas in specific project types, clients, project managers, and individual projects allowing you to identify and address systemic issues. 

Client Revenue Report:

Understanding your company's revenue sources is a top priority for all businesses as a way to promote your most successful revenue streams. However, with all of the different revenue sources your company might have, it can be difficult to pin down the exact source of that revenue. This is especially important when you're thinking about how to make your business more efficient — who are your best clients that you should be emulating with other work you do and which revenue streams can you safely de-prioritize? 

This is where the Client Revenue Report comes in. It visually showcases which clients are bringing in the most revenue and the kinds of work that are contributing to it. Revenue is calculated using your invoices - the amounts, due dates, and clients the invoices were for.

In addition to a leaderboard that clearly highlights your best clients, the report makes it easy to deep dive into your revenue by using the report's Client filter to get additional insight on specific clients. Having access to both this high-level and granular data gives you the insight you need to prioritize client work accurately. 

These are just a few of the new reports you can take advantage of to gain the visibility you need to run your business successfully. With 70 reports available, you no longer need to worry about scattered data or manually updating spreadsheets to gain insight into where your company stands on any given day.

We recently held a webinar to promote the launch of the new Reports product where our product experts gave a live demo of a few of the new most popular reports and answered some of our users’ biggest questions. Check out the webinar recording here

If you want to get started, simply reach out to [email protected] or talk to your Account Manager today.

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