Easy Email Marketing Tips To Increase Open Rates

September 27, 2018
min read
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Thirty-five percent of email recipients report opening emails based on the subject line. Are you using your customer data to personalize email marketing campaigns?

Tips for email marketing:

Know your audience! Don't use the same tone with everyone. Take chances and use appropriate humor.

Write good subject line. Speak directly to your target audience. Less is more; think about the platform your clients are reading your emails on. Is your audience on mobile devices? Longer subject lines get cut off, so it's even more important to be succinct. You can also personalize the subject. Adding a personal element to your emails is easy. Most tools will allow shortcodes that will be replaced with the customer name when sent.

Targeted Content. Segment your email list by demographics. This makes it easier to create messages that fit with a contact's needs and interests, so they're more likely to engage. You can control the email experience by creating segments dependant on buying behavior, demographics, and personal preferences.

Timing. The catchiest subject line won’t produce results if the email is sent at the wrong time. Consider the day of the week, time sent, and patterns in open rates from previous campaigns.

You know your clients better than anyone. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle in some humor where appropriate, and use good judgment! They’ll welcome the creativity! If you’re looking for a better way to work with your clients you can start your free Accelo trial today.



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