Digital Agencies: Do You Prioritize Your Top Clients?

February 6, 2019
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If everything is a priority, then nothing truly is. For Digital Agencies, it's important that top clients are prioritized for retention, loyalty and revenue. The job doesn't end once you win the big client and secure a contract. Now you have to make sure you have the proper systems in place to nurture the relationship and keep up consistent communication.

Good client relationships are the key to a prosperous business, so when you seal the deal on a new client it can be a historical moment. Prioritize top clients by classifying them as strategic accounts.


Keep the honeymoon phase alive and deliver on the promises you made during the Sales process. Also, keep in mind that unhappy clients are more likely to spread the word than happy ones. Be ready go above and beyond, because retaining business means more than keeping up with revenue and LTV.

How to prioritize your top clients in a few simple steps:

  • The details matter. Create a system of checks and balances to ensure that all your documents are of a high level. Is everything up-to-date? Has it been proof read?
  • Personalization. Sending clients personalized messages, such as when it’s their contract anniversary or a holiday, shows that you value their business and you’re paying attention. We know that you’re busy managing accounts, and that’s why an automated, cloud-based platform can assist in keeping track of details that are important but hard to remember.
  • Communication. It’s a two-way street, and it’s important to kick-off the relationship with an open conversation on expectations. How often and through what medium does your client expect to be serviced on? In-person meetings? Daily email recaps? Don’t be afraid to ask.
    • This also means active listening. Has it been a while since you’ve heard from the client? If they go silent then be on top of it. Utilize Triggers. If your client hasn’t responded in over 30 days, send an automated email to the client or account manager to check in.

Remember, you can’t afford to lose them, so give them your best team. However, they can’t afford to lose you either! You’re their preferred agency. You’re in an important relationship and you have selected one another. To learn more on how to use an automated Service Operations system to better serve your clients, sign up for a free trial.


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