Easy Ways To Boost Employee Morale

August 25, 2018
min read
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The vibe in your office can have an impact on productivity and profitability. Keep things positive, get more done. When you let your employees know they are of value, they're more empowered at working towards a common goal.

At Accelo, we value organization and transparency, and we have systems in place so we stay organized on the group level. Having an idea of where everyone is at creates trust and collaboration. No business is without its snafus, however, it's how you handle the barriers that matter. With Accelo's client work management platform, the chance of a missed deadline or disorganized workflow is less common. That’s because our platform is built to keep you and your team on track, with as little admin work as possible. 

Traditional project management tools are likely to boost productivity little by little, but with an integrated client work management platform, you'll be able to reduce work hours and unnecessary meetings in a way that truly increases your team’s quality of life!

95% of HR leaders find employee burnout to be sabotaging their workforce and that most employee turnover is a result of burnout.

If you’re a manager, you can do your part by setting an example of transparency for your team. Utilize your calendar for scheduling recurring one-to-one meetings with your employees. These meetings build trust and carve out time for connection. It shows employees that you are thinking of them and that their voice is valued. Great relationships lead to more productive, satisfied workers. In weekly or biweekly meetings you’ll have a chance to celebrate small successes and acknowledge when a team member has improved or gone above and beyond.

As a business, we tend to focus on long-term growth instead of reflecting on what is achieved daily. Be sure to set goals. Apart from monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals, try immediate benchmarks to spice up the day-to-day and acknowledge the process. Then, schedule time to talk about them and work through any issues that may be coming up. With Accelo, team members feel more connected to one another and we believe that connection is key for a healthy and happy workplace. 

Client work management tools are simple, easily integrated, and extremely resourceful. If you’re not sure where to start we recommend starting your free trial today. Check out our scheduling features and experiment with reverse block scheduling; instead of scheduling time to get through projects on autopilot, schedule time to relax and sit down with your employees. The details make a difference.


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