5 Advantages to Running Your Support Ticket System in the Cloud

Kirsten McNeice
Subject Matter Expert
March 16, 2021
min read
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If you work in a service industry, you know that customer support is key to building a client base and improving growth. These days, a wide range of companies are now offering phone, email, and text-based customer support using cloud-based helpdesk software.

These companies have realized that having a centralized ticketing system can help them deliver better customer service than ever before. A cloud-based support ticket system can also increase efficiency by cutting down on time spent tracking down requests, addressing items out of order, or not getting the right request to the right specialist.

As more than 66% of the top global companies are looking to use digital solutions to improve customer support, it's not surprising that a cloud-based support ticket system is becoming a key factor in delivering best-in-class service.

Here are just a few of the features that make a support ticket system in the cloud an excellent way to respond to the modern challenges of customer support in service industries.


Custom Access for Every Team Member in a Single Location

Rather than working from a paper-based system of sharing messages and returning calls, or combining various internet-based platforms to get answers to team members, a cloud-based ticketing system means that everyone is granted the correct level of access.

From administrators to individual customer service associates, cloud-based systems offer tiers of access that help everyone see what they need, without crowding their interface with excess information.

With a single ticketing system, checking on the progress of your team is easy. You don't have to juggle multiple systems or dig up requests kept elsewhere. Getting everyone into a single system also allows those who find themselves ahead of their usual workflow to see where they can be of use and pick up additional requests. 


Documentation and Searchable Assets at the Click of a Button

In the past, subject-matter experts were distributed throughout a company, and it might take quite some time to find the exact person with the exact knowledge that a customer needed. 

Now, a cloud-based support ticket system means you can create a library of searchable assets that allow any customer service professional to do two things:

  • Find the answers to common questions that have been thoughtfully recorded.
  • Log the answer to a new question for future customer service requests.

Your team becomes more versatile over time with cloud-based help desk software, since they can quickly look for and share the information that customers need. 

Work with Customer Assistance Professionals Anywhere

Having your entire customer support team under the same roof is no longer necessary when your ticketing system is organized and your training process is strong. 

The ability to draw from a remote talent pool around the world has motivated many companies to pivot, answering "Why have a cloud-based support ticket system?" with "To get the best talent available." 

Drawing on a large pool of potential workers helps you offer universal customer assistance and allows you to make good on promises of quick turnaround times.


Mark High-Priority Requests and Quickly Resolve Issues

Another logistical challenge outside of cloud-based systems is making sure that you meet complex deadlines. The more customers you have, the more likely you are to run into conflicting needs and priorities during the busiest days of the month.

While you may guarantee only a couple of days of turnaround time for all clients, getting a response within hours could be essential for your biggest customers or for those who are temporarily marked as urgent. 

Team members can use flags and deadlines in the cloud-based support ticket system to focus their energies, responding rapidly and affirming the importance of client needs.

At the same time, these deadlines help them avoid leaving other requests by the wayside for too long. With automated reminders and notifications, team members will be checking in with each customer before the allotted time elapses, making sure all clients receive timely responses.


Clear Troubleshooting and Performance Improvement Opportunities 

Gone are the days where managing support teams was difficult and required moment-by-moment monitoring and evaluation. 

A cloud-based help desk software helps management note bottlenecks in the customer support process, giving their teams the best tools to complete the job and promoting widespread customer education efforts in answer to frequent requests.

Data has become one of the most powerful resources you can have as a manager, and looking through a cloud-based support ticket system can show you exactly where your process needs work. 

Sometimes, targeted training and expectations can help your team members boost their response time, thoroughness, or other aspects of their work. With data onhand, you can explain exactly why you're choosing to intervene and track your team's improvement moving forward. 

When you can track your customer experiences in a cloud-based ticketing system, you have the power to motivate your team to do their best work.


Incorporate a Ticketing System to Boost Productivity and Effectiveness

 With everyone able to access the right information — no matter where or when they are working — your team will be able to increase efficiency and get help to the customers who need it most. 

Accelo pairs the cloud-based ticketing system with so many other features that give you both a big-picture and detail-oriented view of how your company is doing and how your customers' needs are being met. 

To learn more, try a free trial today and see for yourself how streamlined support can boost your effectiveness.

Author Bio
Kirsten McNeice
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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