Accelo v4 Public Beta Release

Joe DiPaulo
Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Product
May 9, 2024
min read
Table of Contents

Company & Contacts Pages Now Available to All Users!

We are excited to announce another milestone in our product evolution - extending the scope of the Accelo v4 beta to include Company & Contact Views. In addition to introducing these 2 screens into v4, our teams have been hard at work responding to incredible feedback we have received since kicking off our v4 beta in December - making significant experience improvements to many of the pages already in v4! This will be our last beta release before all the new pages delivered in beta will be moved to general availability in a few short weeks and we’re thrilled for this milestone! 

At Accelo, our goal is to continually improve our platform to meet the needs of our customers and end users. We’ve made significant investment in UX with v4, continuing to evolve our platform and creating the best possible user experience. Under the hood, we’ve also greatly improved our platform architecture while enhancing the technologies we’re leveraging to deliver a world class product. For the engineering types out there, we’re leveraging new front end technologies including Next.js, as well as GraphQL and an extensive set of micro-services to deliver a modern and scalable platform to help us continue to innovate as we move forward.

With our upcoming general availability release for v4, you will see an updated look and feel to all pages within the Accelo experience. Some of these pages (such as Company, Contacts, and Stream noted below) will have significant UX enhancements with data and workflow improvements based on user feedback and extensive design efforts.  Other pages will have minor user interface and layout updates - but as a whole v4 updates the look and feel of the entire Accelo application.

We’re looking forward to additional innovation and product updates over the coming weeks - including ongoing improvements to round out v4 between our last beta release and general availability as well as the ability to support multiple assignees on a Task!

In this article, you will find details about the additional new v4 screens, instructions on how to activate the v4 experience, how you can provide feedback, and some insight into what’s coming next!

For a refresher on what we launched as part of the v4 public beta launch in December 2023, see Accelo v4 Public Beta Launch

Company View

We're happy to announce the release of our highly anticipated Company View screen which continues to be one of the highest utilized screens in Accelo. With this release, we're bringing you a reimagined Overview tab that puts key company details front and center, in addition to highlighting all active work associated with the Company record.

We have introduced a new Details tab which contains secondary company information, including Status History and Stakeholdings, providing a holistic view of a Company.

Stay tuned for the next iteration of Company View, where we'll be introducing additional Privacy and Revenue panels to the Overview tab.

Contact View

Similar to the Company view, we want to help you find important contact details faster when you visit the  Contact screen. We have received a lot of feedback from customers who are continuously looking for quick and easy ways to find information about Contacts. With this release, we're introducing a streamlined approach by displaying key panels directly within the Contact overview, and ensuring a smoother editing experience.


We introduced the first iteration of Stream in December as a part of the v4 public beta launch. We have listened to customer feedback and have incorporated numerous improvements to the Stream as a part of this release.

We're dubbing this upcoming iteration 'Stream 2.0', with its primary focus being a significant visual uplift to the design. You will notice significant changes to Stream activities, such as confidential visibility being clearly differentiated from the rest of the thread, an updated preview of recipient information, enhancements to the reply experience and in-line editing ability of activity details.

Project Insights

The Project view, which we released in December as part of the v4 beta now features the Insights tab which has been built using the new Accelo v4 technology. Project Insights continues to provide valuable visibility into overall project performance, allowing managers to track key metrics such as budget adherence, earned verses forecast value, and profitability.

How To Opt Into the Beta

Account-level Accelo v4 Beta Accessibility

First, an admin user of your account must turn on v4 Beta Accessibility. Then users will be able to individually opt into the beta experience.

The following toggle will become available on the General Settings page:

  1. Go to Settings (bottom left corner of Accelo)
  2. Select 'General Config'
  3. Select ‘Beta Features’
  4. Set 'v4 Beta' to Yes
  5. Select Save

To disable, an admin user may access this screen and toggle v4 Beta to No. When an admin user toggles v4 Beta off, v4 Beta will be disabled for all account users regardless of their user settings. Their user setting is remembered, so if an admin toggles v4 Beta back on, the user's previous setting will take effect again.

User-level v4 Beta Setting

When an account has v4 Beta Accessibility turned on, all users of the account will have the option of toggling v4 Beta on and off for themselves.

Users can do so from User Preferences:

  1. Hover over your account icon in the upper right corner of Accelo
  2. Select ‘User Preferences’
  3. Select ‘Labs Settings’
  4. Toggle ‘v4 Beta’ to On
  5. Select Save

How To Provide Feedback

In each of the new Accelo v4 view screens, you will see an in-app ‘Share Feedback’ button that allows you to provide your feedback and suggestions. There will be a short series of questions that you are able to answer in this survey.

You will also have the ability to create new ideas on the Ideas Forum, using the ‘Feedback’ button in the bottom left-hand menu of Accelo. When creating a new idea, please make sure to put your idea into the appropriate v4 Feedback category.

Author Bio
Joe DiPaulo
Joe DiPaulo serves as Accelo's Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Product, driving innovation and strategic growth initiatives across the organization. With a distinguished career in technology and SaaS, Joe brings a wealth of experience in product development and market strategy, focusing on delivering transformative solutions for businesses worldwide. His leadership is defined by a commitment to harnessing technology to solve complex business challenges and drive sustainable growth.
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