How Accelo Users are Being Rewarded for Their Creative Trigger Automations

Josh Tan
Subject Matter Expert
August 3, 2021
min read
Table of Contents

Last month our Community team kicked off their first of several user-driven contests just in time for our Automation & Triggers webinar!

In our new User Groups Forum, we asked the  Accelo Community to share their favorite custom-built Triggers with the rest of the Accelo Nation - We couldn’t believe what they came up with! 

What are Triggers?

Triggers are your business' autopilot. Once you've created them, your Triggers will run automatically in the background, monitoring your ongoing work and taking action when its Rules are met. In this competition, we looked for unique Trigger automation that folks have built to help run their business. 

Competition Summary

We started a new category within the User Groups Forum where our users created their own topics for each individual Trigger submission. We also allowed unlimited submissions so users could increase their odds of winning - one of our eventual winners submitted six unique entries! 

We then encouraged topic authors and readers alike to trade knowledge with each other in order to boost everyone’s fundamental understanding of Accelo automation. After just two weeks of our contest going live, we had fourteen incredible automation ideas, all used for a variety of industries, business situations/roles, and with different layers of complexity.



Our Community manager evaluated all of the submissions and selected four winners based on ideas that stood out the most to gain traction (through community engagement), along with being the most innovative and unique.

Our four outstanding winners were awarded a “B.S. in Triggernometry” on behalf of our Community, along with a $100 gift card and Accelo swag pack. Here's what they came up with:

Susan Nitzberg - Sierra Leadership

Sierra Leadership is an executive coaching firm that uses projects to track their client engagements. Some of their engagements include a set number of sessions and they need a way to keep track of how many have been used.

To accomplish this, they use statuses & custom fields to control a Trigger that decreases the number of sessions after each meeting has been held. They also have the Trigger send an email to a staff member letting them know it’s time to schedule the next session with the client. 

Ash Christophers - Austep Lighting 

Austep Lighting is in the lighting business, and their products help save their customers money on power bills. They work with prospects frequently, and with each proposal they send out, they provide an estimate as to how much money they will save if they decide to move forward with their products.

Like any sales funnel, their leads may sometimes go stagnant and they use Triggers to automate emails to their prospects every 6-months to remind them how much savings they are missing out on.

Charlotte Boyle - Switch

Switch is a creative digital agency helping their clients grow through connected web technologies. They use Google Drive for all of their working files and needed a way to tie Google Drive together with Accelo. Manually creating a folder structure in Google Drive every time they add a new client is time-consuming and can have potential human error.

So, they use a Trigger to generate this from Accelo. They use the “send webhook” action once a client becomes active, and use Zapier to create the client folders and subfolders in Google Drive. In addition, they use Zapier to send a Slack notification to their Account Management channel that lets them know a new client has been added.

Tara Godoy - Godoy Medical Forensics

Godoy Medical Forensics provides forensic advice for criminal cases that need medical witnesses. They have experienced RNs and offer lower rates than most doctors who offer the same kind of services. They have a few clients who need to be invoiced monthly, which is outside of their normal operating procedures.

To accommodate this, they created a Trigger so that whenever the phrase “#monthly” is included inside of a custom profile field on their companies, a task gets created to remind their accounting person to check for any outstanding billing in Accelo.


Be Our Next Winner!

By becoming a part of our Accelo community, you get unlimited access to a wealth of knowledge about our platform as well as direct access to our support team for any troubleshooting needs. The best part? Becoming a member is completely free with your existing Accelo login!

Don’t miss out on the fun and free prizes next time - Watch this space for upcoming contests and join our community here!

Author Bio
Josh Tan
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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