7 Ways Mobile CRM Solutions Make Managing Easy

October 19, 2017
min read
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Picture this: It's been a long week at the office and you're hoping to take-off for the weekend - but there are still a few jobs that need to be done which can't be accessed remotely.

If this sounds like a situation you might find yourself in, or if it’s one that you’ve experienced far too often, then these simple steps are going to help.

But before we dive into the good stuff, did you know that having mobile access to sales and projects can increase productivity by 20% for some small businesses? This is because technology has revolutionized the service industry - so that you can work efficiently from anywhere, at any time.

Here are 7 ways of using a mobile-ready client work management platform like Accelo to manage every aspect of your business from various locations with ease:

  1. Add Clients & Contacts
  2. Set Timers From Your iWatch
  3. Collaborate On Projects
  4. Create Activities
  5. Manage Modules
  6. Monitor Contracts & Retainers
  7. Track Expenses

1. Add Clients & Contacts

Easily add new contacts from wherever you are and start to build relationships with them while you’re working on the go. Use filtering options to get an instant list of specific client names or titles you want to see and email them directly from your smartphone.

2. Set Timers From Your iWatch

Use your phone as a stopwatch when working on tasks to easily keep track of all your billable time with a smarter platform that integrates with wearables. You’ll be able to keep tabs on existing timers, switch between them, and create new ones, all from the interface of your iWatch. 

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3. Collaborate On Projects

Easily sync your projects across to your smartphone to collaborate and keep track of what’s going on with your client work. How? Like an internal news feed, you can scan through and check to see what is going on with the status of a particular project or client without having to be in front of a computer.

4. Create Activities

With all this information literally at your fingertips, you can easily log an activity related to a client, project, sale or ticket in a few simple steps. Gain the ability to see (and interact with) the activity stream, view conversation threads, attach files and create new activities, all from an app on your phone.

5. Manage Modules

Create a timer or add a task to a project no matter where you are - it’s perfect for those times when you remember something you needed to do while you're out and about meeting with prospective clients.

6. Monitor Contracts & Retainers

Search, filter, list, and view all your contracts and retainers on mobile - including renewal info, key dates, and detailed usage within each period. This makes it easy for you and your team to keep track of ongoing, high-value work that shouldn't be forgotten.

7. Track Expenses

Create, save, modify, approve or submit expenses relating to a certain project via your smartphone - getting paid has never been so easy!

With all of this information literally at your fingertips, there’s never been a better time to invest in a mobile-ready software solution for you and your business. Find the product that’s right for you and get back to doing the work you love, all while spending time with the people that matter.

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