How to Boost Productivity & Profitability

February 22, 2018
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Did you know that the average small business loses more than 20% of productive capacity (that’s more than a day a week) to what’s been dubbed as “organizational drag?” This refers to the repetitive admin tasks that consume valuable time and prevent professionals from getting things done - like large-scale projects that often get neglected because of too much busy work.

So, how do you avoid this? Good news - you can. 

1. Use Gantt Charts

Accelo has dynamic Gantt charts to let you define your project's budget, set up milestones and timelines, define tasks and dependencies, and much more - all while giving your team the flexibility they need to adjust to ad-hoc changes on the fly.

By using Gantt charts, you’ll also get a clear view of who’s working on what (and when) so that you can reassign the organizational drag you no longer have time for to someone in your team who does. Knowing who is being under or over utilized also prevents burn-out from setting in, which is another top killer of productivity.

2. Take Timeout

Another recent study found that happiness in the workplace led to a 12% spike in productivity - revealing that it takes more than just financial incentive to get people working efficiently. So, what does it take? Happiness and mindfulness go a long way!

Take a break to meditate during the day, make an effort to leave the office for lunch, or simply step outside to refuel and refresh - especially if you’re working at a fast-paced digital agency. Creative professionals need to reboot their minds (even if it’s just for 5 minutes) in order to deliver high-quality work. Set time on your schedule for this and let your teammates know that you are unavailable for that short period to recharge. 

3. Deliver Outstanding Service

You may not know this but customer retention rates are 18% higher on average when employees are highly engaged… And one way to ensure someone is not engaged is by making them work on redundant tasks like calls, meetings, or emails.

Just think of all the time that goes to waste simply waiting for people to answer, have social chat, or set up technical equipment - it all adds up! In fact, Accelo found that untracked time spent in meetings and calls is causing the average professional to leak more than $32,000 in revenue each year. Download our free white paper "Time is Money" for a revealing study into the cost of poor time tracking habits.

By reducing your meetings by as little as 10 minutes each day, you could get back almost an hour of your working week - that’s 52 more hours in a year to focus on revenue-generating projects!

4. Retain Clients:

A surefire way to boost profits is to retain existing clients for lasting growth. One way to do this is to implement a client work management platform like Accelo that offers recurring, in-built retainer management and places your clients at the heart of your business.

For example, what happens if you get tasked with a high priority project tomorrow and you no longer have time to follow up on that important lead? The right smart platform will let you access your team's profiles and assign work based on who is the best fit for the job. Then, when it comes time for you to seal the deal, you'll be able to integrate with the likes of Stripe,, and PayPal to fast-track the billing process and acquire profits with ease. 

To further boost productivity and profitability at your agency, click here to get started with a free trial of Accelo today.

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