3 Tips to Avoid Project Collaboration Challenges

January 20, 2017
min read
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Do you ever feel like things fall through the cracks when it comes to working with your team on a project? If the answer is yes, it might be time for a smart automation platform. With the right resources, managing and working with your entire team can be as simple as logging into a single dashboard- it’s that easy.

Having a centralized hub will not only save you from the headache that comes from disorganized communication, but it’ll help your team stay on track and within budget. You’ll be able to view a project's progress in real-time and see your team's calendar in a single shared space. This means you’ll always know who is doing what (and when) without having to pester them with redundant emails.

Thankfully, there are tons of ways you can kick-start this collaborative process and move away from disparate systems. Here are a few examples:

1. Assign and Split Tasks

A smart automation platform gives you the ability to work collaboratively with any team member on any project, from anywhere, and at any time. You’ll have the option to split or assign a task with another colleague, making it easier for you to stay on top of other daily tasks. The best part? Service operations automation gives you and your team the tools they need to manage every project together, which in turn boosts morale and frankly, makes working collaboratively much more enjoyable

2. Invest in Task Boards

A wise man once said; you are only as strong as your weakest link, and that’s the reality of many professional service businesses today. But - with the help of streamlined task boards, you no longer need to feel like you’re the only one ‘pulling their weight’. Integrating smart technology into your workflow enables you to view all of your team's availability, assigned tasks, and their corresponding statuses. That way, you’ll always know what everyone else is working on at any given time. This also gives you the ability to predict hiccups or interruptions before they happen, so you can be proactive instead of reactive.

3. Attach Files and Videos

Working remotely or working from home (WFH) has become the norm in today's business culture. While some businesses aren’t as willing to embrace the shift, it shouldn’t frighten them. Working remotely or WFH shouldn't affect your ability to meet deadlines or interact with clients - especially with smart service operations technology. For example, with the right technology, you can take a photo or record a video and then attach it to the related client record; a great way for teams to provide updates on a project or sale, especially when working remotely to show what they’re working on and how they’re progressing. You can also attach documents to a task, issue or project by uploading a file from your device or dragging and dropping it from tools like Google Drive, Box, Evernote or Dropbox.

Smart automation technology will give you and your team the tools they need to seamlessly manage every project, task, issue or contract together. Working with streamlined tools will give you back the time you need to focus on the job you love and grow your business. Sign up for a free trial of Accelo today.

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