An Introductory Overview of the Sales Management Process

Kirsten McNeice
Subject Matter Expert
June 1, 2021
min read
Table of Contents

The sales management process is all about driving revenue to your business. It's a coordinated approach that involves your sales team, product developers, and management. The goal in bringing these departments together is to let the sales team know what your company is capable of and give them what they need to deliver results for your customers.

‌Keep reading to learn more about the key principles of sales management and how it will benefit your company. 

Parts of the Sales Management Process

The sales management process has several parts you need to understand if you want to get it right. Below are the three key components that make up the process.

Sales Operations

Your sales team is the most critical part of your sales operation. Having a great product isn't worth much if you don't have the best sales team to promote it to potential customers.

‌Your sales operations process begins with recruiting. Here, you're looking for qualified candidates to fill any vacancies on your sales team. Once you've found the right people, you'll need to assign them leads and prepare them for any sales opportunities that arise.

‌Once you find the right team, it's all about giving them the tools they need to succeed. Check with your sales team to see what they're looking for and make sure you give it to them. Here are a few sales tools you can use to make life easier for your sales team:

  • CRM software
  • Project management
  • Email lists
  • Meeting scheduler

‌There are many tools out there for helping your sales team, so work with your people to find the best ones.

Sales Strategy

Sales strategy allows you to set long-term goals and then use your sales operations process to meet them. To have a successful sales strategy, you need to establish clear, measurable objectives that keep your entire team in mind. This ensures that everyone is working together toward a common goal.

‌Once you have your goals, you can start creating your sales pipeline. Your sales pipeline will give your sales team a roadmap to follow and will help them plan their strategy. It also gives you the tools you need to track the progress of your sales team.

Sales Analysis

Once your sales team has a strategy in place, it's time to analyze the results. You'll need to regularly check in with your sales team to make sure they're meeting their goals. If not, you'll need to find out why and adjust your strategy accordingly.

‌You also need to look at your sales pipeline often to make sure it's still up to date. If you notice any sales opportunities slipping through the cracks, you'll need to figure out the cause. Sit with your team to find any problems with your sales process and adjust to meet those challenges.

‌Keep in mind that this process never really ends. You’ll need to continue analyzing your data in the future and adapt your sales process to meet any changes.

Who Uses Sales Management?

You can find sales management in every industry imaginable. From consumer goods to enterprise companies, every management team uses it in some way. However, it does have more perks for companies that need a more fine-tuned approach. You can see the sales management process shine in service-oriented and B2B industries.

‌Take an architecture firm, for instance. Customers looking for an architect to design a building aren't going to pick the first architect they find. They're spending a lot of money, so they'll do their due diligence to find the best firm for the job. The sales management process helps your sales team inform those customers about the value your company provides.

Benefits of Sales Management

What value does implementing a sales management system in your organization provide? Here are some of the benefits.

1. Control Sales Output

Your sales team will be more productive and focused if you give them a structure to work with. A well-planned sales management system will allow you to set clear goals for your team and monitor their progress throughout the year.

‌This structure stops people from coming up with their own systems for doing things. While this might work for individuals, it makes working together with other people more challenging. A streamlined process will keep people efficient and help them produce regular sales.

‌You can make many tweaks to improve the process, so learn more about how sales managers can help control sales output to optimize the process.

2. Get Better Data

If you want to get better at what you do, you need relevant and accurate data. Sales management allows you to track how your sales team is performing by monitoring their progress. This data helps you get a better look at where they're doing well and where they’re struggling.

‌You can use this data outside of the sales team as well. Most companies use it as a way to track everything from employee performance to customer satisfaction. You can track anything you can think of and use that information to improve every part of your company.

3. Use Automation

The best way to streamline your sales management process is to automate it. Doing this removes the human element from the process, making it easier for you to meet your goals and create a more efficient system. Depending on what you decide to automate, you'll be able to save both time and money by removing people from the equation.

‌Doing this lets your sales team focus on what they do best: talking to customers. With your team doing less administrative work, they'll have more time to focus on making sales.

Accelo Can Help Your Sales Management Process

The importance of sales management in an organization can’t be overstated. You need all the help you can get to make your company known and make sales. Creating a sales management process will improve your customer acquisition and increase the bottom line of your company.

‌Are you looking for help with managing your sales process? Accelo can provide you with the tools you need to succeed. Check out a free trial today to see everything Accelo can do for your business.

Author Bio
Kirsten McNeice
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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