Double Your Leads with Marketing Automation

March 12, 2018
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You know all too well that finding leads is only half the battle. Once you know who to reach out to, it all comes down to your sales process. But if your operations aren’t automated, a lot of important details can slip through the cracks and you could end up losing the deal.

With 35% of sales people saying it's getting harder to close deals, we thought we’d offer some tips on how to build a sales process that will help you win more deals (and close them even faster):

1. Clean up

There’s no point in selling to the wrong people, right? Clean up your contact list and make sure it’s kept up to date so that you and your team can rely on what’s in it. Invest in a smart platform that can automatically sync your contact lists across various email accounts and store them in one place - for everyone to access! That way, you don’t have to spend time maintaining your address book and can focus on winning more sales.

2. Categorize

Once you’ve done your housekeeping, you’ll need to assign each contact a status (for example, identify them as an ‘active sale’ or ‘good lead’). With the right smart platform, you’ll be able to assign anything from a star rating to a dollar value - so you’ll always know who's your best point of contact at any given moment. This also prevents other team members from hassling the same person twice - because you’ve already flagged them as your priority.

3. Prioritize

What happens if you get tasked with a high priority project and can no longer find the time to follow up with important contacts? Use your smart platform to access your team's profiles and assign them your contact based on who has the appropriate capabilities (and availability) to take on more work. That way, you’ll never have to leave a potential client in the dark, and the sales process can continue without you.

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4. Communicate

Communication is key when it comes to closing an important deal. So - implement a smart platform that can streamline your team and client communications into one easily accessible place. This means you won’t need to go digging through endless email threads just to find the information you need to close the deal.  And just think, without this, you could risk looking highly unprofessional and even cost your business up to $110,000 in lost revenue.

5. Automate

Now that you’ve won the sale and started to clean up your internal processes, you may as well automate these repetitive steps for next time. Why? Because marketers and salespeople already using automation software generate 2x the number of leads than those using blast email software. Oh, and they’re also perceived by their peers to be 2x as effective at communicating!

It's time to start automating your business operations and closing every deal today - just click here to start your free trial of a streamlined marketing platform, and get back to doing the work you love.

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