Which Tools Do You Need for Business Development?

Kirsten McNeice
Subject Matter Expert
July 15, 2021
min read
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We all know that running a business is difficult. Many business owners make the mistake of trying to use the wrong tools to help ease that strain. Unfortunately, choosing tools without understanding which ones make the biggest impact can hurt your business more than it helps.

‌If you’re looking to level up your business development strategy, having the right tools is essential. Keep reading to learn about the most useful business development tools that can help you get ahead of the competition.

1. Social Media Management

Social media is gaining popularity as a means of communication for businesses and individuals alike. It allows you to focus on promoting your brand and services to your target audience.

‌However, it also takes a lot of time to manage your accounts and post content to each one individually. To help manage the work, it's common to adopt a social media management platform to help automate the process. Some business management tools like HubSpot offer social media management tools along with a suite of other features, but if you're looking for a platform specifically for social media management, HootSuite or other Hootsuite alternatives are good options to consider. Finding the right social media platform will allow you to schedule when you want content posted for each platform, giving you more time to focus on promoting your business elsewhere.

‌Most social media management platforms also provide reporting dashboards to help you track and monitor the performance of your social media posts. You'll be able to see what content is resonating with your audience so you can optimize and replicate your future social media campaigns.

2. Email Lists

Email is a powerful marketing tool that you can use to market your products and services to people who have shown interest in your brand. The problem is that most marketing emails aren't very effective, and your subscribers rarely open them.

Email lists allow you to manage the metadata for all of your email campaigns. This means that you’ll have a record of every single email you've sent so you can track which ones get the best open and conversion rates.

‌More advanced email platforms let you segment your lists. Doing this allows you to categorize your subscribers based on what they're interested in. Only sending people the information they're looking for can help you decrease your unsubscribe rate and increase your customer conversion rate. To maximize your email results and better reach your customers, make sure to choose an email service provider that offers the customization options your team needs. 

3. Online Document Tools

Thankfully, keeping physical copies of business documents is no longer necessary for most businesses. Now, you can store anything from contracts to video content in the cloud.

Storing your documents online means that you can access them anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. Your employees don't need to be in the office to access important documents anymore. This flexibility means your team can get more done without needing to call into the office to get information.

‌Online documents also let your team collaborate more effectively. You can allow other team members to work on documents at the same time without losing their progress.


4. CRM Software

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a tool that allows you to track your customer interactions. Instead of keeping that information in your head or on a spreadsheet, CRM tools for business development organize all your customers’ data into one database.

‌A database of customers lets you store much more than basic information. It enables you to keep track of the entire sales cycle for your customers.

‌The best CRM software also lets you keep track of your communications with clients. You can track phone calls, take notes, and mark important dates. If you have multiple employees who work with the same client, CRM software lets them work together to provide better care for that customer.

5. Project Management

If you're working on a business development project, you need to be able to manage your team and keep track of what tasks your team has completed. Project management software lets you do this by creating a timeline for your business development campaign and creating tasks for your team to accomplish.

‌Today's project management tools exist primarily in the cloud. This allows your employees to log in to an online portal to figure out what's going on with their projects at any time. They can communicate with their teams, get their latest tasks, and gain important information about their projects.


6. Video Conferencing

If you have a business development team that travels a lot, or your company has adopted a hybrid work from home model in the last year, you're going to need to provide them with an easy way to communicate. That's why video conferencing tools are essential.

‌Video conferencing tools let your employees speak face-to-face on important meetings and conference calls. Video calls enable you and your colleagues to read and send important visual cues that are often lost in remote work environments (body language, visual reactions, etc.) This will help you communicate more effectively and stay on the same page.

‌You can also use video conferencing tools for client meetings. Not every client will be able to make it to your office in person, but there's no reason why you can't share your screen and talk to your clients on video.

7. SEO Tools

If you're trying to build your online presence, people need to see you as an authority in your industry. To do that, you'll need to produce high-quality content that demonstrates your experience and expertise.

SEO tools will give you a leg up when it comes to selecting content ideas. You'll start with keyword research tools to find highly-searched keywords. Finding highly-searched terms in your industry and writing quality content about them will help you get to the top of the search results on Google, giving you free organic search traffic.

‌Other tools will help you optimize the content on your website. These tools will look at your on-site SEO work and help you optimize your pages to rank better on search engines.

8. Business Intelligence

Intelligent business decisions are driven by data. If you don't have the most up-to-date information about your industry and business, it's hard to make the best choices for your company.

‌That's where business intelligence helps. Business intelligence tools provide you with a way to gather all the information you have in a single place. Once your data is centralized, you’ll be able to create reports that provide actionable insights into your data.

‌You can track where your revenue comes from, how well each of your clients is doing, and the success of your business development campaigns.

Strengthen Your Business Development Efforts with Accelo

You can’t afford to take it easy when it comes to business development. You’ll need the best tools available if you want to keep up with your competitors and Accelo can help.

By using Accelo, you can integrate your account with third-party services for a seamless workflow. By eliminating the need to navigate and track work across multiple programs, we help you focus on the work you love.

Want to see what Accelo can offer you and your team? Start your free trial today.

Author Bio
Kirsten McNeice
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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