Help and Support » FAQs » What are the initial General Settings?

The content in this guide is currently being revised to align with the new user interface. Some text and images may be outdated.

What are the initial General Settings?

The General Configuration panel for Accelo is for making system-wide changes. 

To access this panel, click on Settings.

To view the options, you must be an Admin user.

Note that the Accounts module has a separate configuration screen available via the Administration screen.

General Configuration

Your Organization

Updating your company name will reflect in the following places:

  • Invoices you send from Accelo, under the From section.
  • In the Client Portal (Extranet) login screen.
  • Any error reports that are submitted to the Accelo team.

Your Website

This will change the website that is included in the signature for all staff emails from Accelo.

Date Format

When signing up to Accelo, an administrator selected the default date format. This option allows you to change the date format used across the entire system. Note that some areas (or activity feeds) in Accelo use abbreviations such as "23 Jan" which will not change.


If a user does not have their timezone set, it will default to use the system time. This field allows you to adjust the system timezone.

Time Format

This option allows setting time to 12hr or 24hr format.

PDF Size

This option allows you to change the pdf size format.

Calendar Profile

This is used to determine your holidays for scheduling purposes.

Currency Symbol

This option allows you to change the currency symbol displayed in Accelo - which is set to dollar ($) by default. This is only a visual setting, and will not change the currency being used by an integrated accounting system.

Currency Title

This field is only used on some exports to financial systems which require the currency to be specifically nominated.

Date Validation

This field determines what to do if a date validation rule fails.

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