Webinars » Best Practices » Projects Module

Projects Module

[Adam] Hello everyone. Welcome to today's best practices webinar focusing on the projects enhancement. Before we start, would you be able to just give me a thumbs up or a yes in… Read More

[Adam] Hello everyone. Welcome to today's best practices webinar focusing on the projects enhancement. Before we start, would you be able to just give me a thumbs up or a yes in the chat if you can hear me and see the screen correctly? Great, awesome. Thanks very much for that. So, my name is Adam, and I'll be the host of today's webinar. And we also have John with us today who will be the presenter in taking us through the overview of the new project enhancements.

[John] Hello everyone.

[Adam] Great, so the breakdown of today's session. So, we're gonna take you through some of enhancements for the projects module that's being released, specifically the Overview tab, looking at the introduction of the Team section, and the Insights tab looking at the budget and profit. Following going through the content we'll have a Q&A session lasting about 20 minutes, but feel free to submit your questions throughout the session in the Q&A button down in the bottom. And please, if you could list your name and your company that you work with as well, so if we don't get to all the questions in today's session we can get back to you. But without further ado, I'll hand it over to John to start taking you through the project.

[John] Awesome, thanks Adam. So, what I first wanted to start with is an overview of what projects are and how we think about projects and how a lot of our customers do, too. So, what I like to use is the analogy of the forest, the trees, and the trunk, the forest being the really high level overview of what I need to deliver. Think of these as deadlines, large level strategy, what we're trying to do for our customer ultimately. And then the trees, you can think of those as the medium term goals that you have, the milestones, the client sign offs and reviews. And then the trunks is the small level tasks that your team is doing on a day to day basis. A designer comes in and he needs to do mock ups. A consultant needs to write the final report before we deliver it to the client. And what we're planning as we're designing and looking at Accelo is a lot of tools and inspiration from the forest. There's also a lot of tools that manage the trunks and the collaboration. And what we're really trying to do with our projects upgrade is blend all those tools together to make it really easy to still have that high level overview of what we need to do, but then have team members able to come in and be able to do the work. So, what we first wanted to start with was the user. How can they come in, quickly find what they need to work on, log time on it, and collaborate? And in Accelo, as you may know if you're a long time customer of ours, is there's a lot of ways to do this. The users have a taskboard that they can come in, see all the tasks they need to do, even drag and drop shift it around. They have timesheets that remind them at the end of the week or end of the day what they're supposed to work on a lot. And even My Schedule to see what am I supposed to work on today and how long? But, as we were doing some of our user research, interviews, watching how our customers used the tool, was a lot of users, designers and consultants, were using the Project Overview to manage their own tasks in their day to day while still wanting to have this larger level view of where they fit into the project. So, a lot of this redesign focused on giving the tools for them to come in and easily find their task to work on. So, what I wanted to show is some ways that we've upgraded and how a user can come into the project overview. So, in this project we have the Website Design, three phases, Discovery, Design, and Develop. And let's say that David wanted to come in and see what he needs to work on. Previously, as you can see here, we couldn't see any of David's tasks. So he would have to probably open all the milestones and search for what needs to be done. What we now have is the ability for each individual to come in and see what they need to work on. So, David would just come in here, look for his specific work. And in this case, David only has to do the wireframes in this project. So, what he can do is come in here and accept the task. So, we've made that process a lot easier. We've also made the process of doing the work or logging the time a lot easier. So, now you'll see these three options on the right hand side. One would be splitting the task if David wanted to make these into smaller tasks for the wireframes. But the two other buttons, the Add Activity, this would be like sending an email to the internal team or client, as well as logging time. We've surfaced both of these for him to come in and essentially log his time more easily. So, David has been working on this for four hours. And let's say that he comes in here and realizes that the login pages, the scope is actually a lot larger than he thought before, so he can even come in and re-estimate for this rate as well. So, what we'll see is a live update of what we're now calling Earned Value. We previous called this the Dollar Budget rather. And likely if David was just a designer on the team, he would be focusing on more the time view. So, what we can see here is we still…

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