Feature Release: Task Priority

New Feature: Task Priorities

By Hugh Cowling
Product Manager
Aug 25 2021 read

Whether you're a business analyst, project manager, designer or engineer, chances are you're using some variation of a task board or to-do list to track and organize work on a day to day basis. But when you have 20+ tasks to work through on a given day, figuring where to start can be overwhelming. Do you take the most overdue ones first or the ones that have the smallest time cost?

The Accelo Tasks feature now helps you better prioritize, with our latest updates allowing you to set and view task priority. 

Set Priority Level

Now when creating or editing a task, any user can adjust the priority level to help communicate the urgency or importance of a task. Tasks made by a trigger or from a template will default to the middle priority "Normal".

As this feature rolled out, all existing tasks were defaulted to the "Normal" priority, too.

Customize Priority Titles

The title, or label, for each priority can be configured in the Admin navigation, so you can use a prioritization language familiar to your team.

At this time, we are not supporting the creation of additional priority levels, nor the customization of the icons.

Task Board - Ordering by Priority

Where the rubber hits the road is when managing tasks on your task board, as we're now showing the highest priority tasks at the top of each column. This improvement applies whether you are using the Deadline, Status or Assignment Board. Tasks of the same priority are then ordered by due date, as they were before this update.



Other Areas Updated with Task Priority

The priority icon has been added in additional places that knowing task priority is helpful, such as when reviewing the Tasks tab under a Ticket, Sale or Retainer Period.

When you log time against your tasks from the Daily Timesheet screen, you'll also spot the priority icon on the Tasks panel.

Finally the new Task List screen has a column available to include the priority information, as well as filtering of tasks by priority.


  • Is Task Priority available on Task Templates?

    The Task Priority feature is not currently available on Task Templates. Only when a task is being created can the priority be seen and set. As we discover additional areas that Task Priority would be useful, we will make updates. If you would like to provide suggestions or feedback, please email Accelo Support at [email protected]
  • What about Team Scheduling or other screens?

    Filtering and ordering tasks by priority is not currently available on these additional screens. We are continuing to evaluate additional places within the platform that Task Priority would be helpful. If you would like to provide suggestions or feedback, please email Accelo Support at [email protected]
  • Do I get notified if the priority changes on my task?

    You will not currently be notified if a task priority changes. However existing task notifications will include the new priority label and icon.
  • Is Task Priority available on the Accelo mobile app and API?

    Coming soon! Our mobile team is updating the Accelo apps in the coming weeks so you can see and modify task priority on iOS and Android.


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